English Primary 2 & 3
CEIP Maruja Mallo
30th March-3rd april classes
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Hello children! How are you? I' m fine.
Bueno, pues ahora llega Semana Santa. Los ingleses no la celebran, ellos celebran el domingo de Pascua al que le llaman Easter. Este día esconden huevos de chocolate (chocolate eggs) y conejos (bunny- bunnies) en el jardín y los niños tienen que encontrarlos. Aquí os dejo una sopa de letras (wordsearch) y un juego (game).
Happy Easter!
A game (puzzle): http://www.hellokids.com/c_25374/free-online-games/kids-puzzles-games/easter-puzzles/easter-eggs-puzzle
14th-17th april classes
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
20th-24th april classes
This week we are going to do...listening and speaking (esta semana vamos a trabajar audios y conversación)
Lesson 1...listening
Lesson 2...speaking
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
We are journalists for a day and we will do an inteview about likes and dislikes. Choose a member of your family and make the challenge. We must practise the structures we have learned in this unit...
The interviewer may start like this: Hello, my name is....and I'd like to ask you some questions. Would you like it?. Thank you!
Do you like doing exercise?
Do you like playing the recorder?
Do you like reading comics?
Do you like using the internet?
Do you like rollerblading?
Do you like watching TV?
Do you like going to the park?
Do you like listening to music?
Then, when you practise the pronunciation for a time, you can record a video and send it to me by email. This activity is NOT compulsory.
If you decide to do it...don't forget to send it with the listening by mail on Friday. If not, send only the listening.
27th-30th april classes
Lesson 1
Monday, 27th April 2020
Lesson 2
Wednesday, 29th April 2020
4th-8th may classes
Lesson 1
Monday, 4th May 2020
Lesson 2
11th-15th may classes
Lesson 1
According to the video:
1) How do you say "Tierra"in English?
2) a)How many continents are there on the Earth?
b) Name them
3) a)How many oceans are there on the Earth?
b) Name them
4)How many people are there aproximately on the Earth?
5)Investigate and write three countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Oceania (three of each)
Lesson 2
18th-22nd may classes
Lesson 1
Monday, 18th May 2020
Watch the video to see all things we can do using the internet and a computer.
Vemos el vídeo para ver qué cosas podemos hacer utilizando un ordenador e internet
(Nos ayudará a hacer la actividad siguiente...)
Lesson 2
25th-29th may classes
Lesson 1
Monday, 25th May 2020
Recordamos que hemos dado las horas en punto (o'clock) e y media (half past).
Cuando digo que hago algo a una hora utilizo la preposición at.
Si digo que me levanto a las siete en punto primero digo el número y luego o'clock......I get up at seven o'clock.
Si digo que desayuno a las siete y media, primero pongo half past y luego el número....I have breakfast at half past seven.
..............at half past..........
Lesson 2
1st-5th june classes
Lesson 1
Monday, 1st June 2020
Lesson 2
8th-12th june classes
Lesson 1
Monday, 8th June 2020
Answer the questions:
1.- What's your name? My name is ...
2.- How old are you? I'm ... years old
3.- What's your favourite colour, animal and food?
4.- Where do you live? I live in ...
5.- How many brothers and sisters have you got? I've got ...
I'm an only child
6.- What's your favourite subject?
7.- What are your hobbies? My hobbies are ...
I like ... and ...
Lesson 2
Introduce yourself! (Preséntate)